Saturday, November 19, 2011

Two Person Dialogue

All: I don't like my body.
Person 1: I eat too much.
Person 2: I hardly eat at all.
All: That has a big impact.
Person 1: My stomach is bigger than I have ever imagined.
Person 2: If I touch my torso, I can feel my ribs.
All: People look at me weirdly.
Person 1: I can be seen from a mile away.
Person 2: I think if I turn sideways, you cant see me at all.
All: I want to change.
Person 1: But food helps me cover up the pain.
Person 2: But then I wont be perfect in the eyes of others anymore.
All: Is there any hope for me?
Person 1: Not if I don't want help.
Person 2: Not anymore, at least thats what I think.
All: What am I going to do?
Person 1: I'm obese and I'm working on it to better myself.
Person 2: I'm anorexic and I'm working on myself to make me feel better.

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